Remove all log Unity App in Android

Prasetio Nugroho
3 min readSep 29, 2021


First of all, i would say thank you to all my developer friends for helping me to solve this issue. Cheers!!

I have already written an article about remove all log in unity, you can check here, but when i use my method to remove the log liked my article before, the log still appear in android device. So, it makes my apps rejected by tester, because the log still appear. And after long research, i have answer for this issue.

Unity Project

Preparing unity project with simple log at Start. Switch to Android. You can check in my repo in github.

Then, in build setting, check export project, instead of build or build and run. I use export project because, in android studio, i can check more detail in android studio console.

export in build setting

Android Studio

Open exported project using Android Studio, then run using real device, in my case i use google pixel 2.

run using real device

Then look at console, in run and logcat. There will be the log that created from script before.

run console

How To

So, how I remove all the log that unity created? I change variant build from debug, into release.

build variant

And when I run it again and look the console, all the log completely removed.

run console

In my case, it solve my issue. My assumption is unity create build for android in debug variant. So, in console, it still appear. In some cases, i get suggestion to use proguard that generated from export project. Adding these line (highlighted line 8 to 14) in proguard-unity.txt. But just using variant release or changing into release variant it solve my issue. But, if the issue still appear, maybe using proguard method will solve it.


If any of you have alredy tried this method and still get the issue, drop me a message or comment, i would like to discuss it. Maybe I can help you to solve the problem. Well, Good Luck!!!



Prasetio Nugroho

Interested in new tech, gaming, programming and another knowledge or possibilites that can make me better. Cheers!!