Efficient Pooling with Unity’s ObjectPool API Pooling

Prasetio Nugroho
3 min readAug 25, 2024


Unity has introduced a built-in Object Pooling system with the ObjectPool<T> class, providing an even more streamlined and efficient way to manage object reuse in your games. This article will guide you through using this API to create a simple object pooling system, enhancing your game's performance without reinventing the wheel.

Why Use Unity’s ObjectPool<T>?

The ObjectPool<T> class in Unity is a generic class that helps manage the lifecycle of pooled objects, minimizing memory allocations and reducing garbage collection overhead. By leveraging this API, you can simplify the implementation of object pooling in your games.

Setting Up Object Pooling with ObjectPool<T>

Let’s walk through a practical example of how to use ObjectPool<T> to manage the spawning and recycling of bullets in a simple shooting game.

Create the Bullet Class

First, let’s define a simple Bullet class that will represent the objects we want to pool

Bullet script

This Bullet class has to function to moving forward the bullet and deactivates itself after a certain amount of time.

Create the Object Pool

Next, create a script to manage the ObjectPool<T> for bullets

BulletPool script

In this script:

  • CreateBullet: Instantiates a new bullet object when the pool needs to expand.
  • OnTakeFromPool: Activates the bullet when it’s taken from the pool.
  • OnReturnedToPool: Deactivates the bullet when it’s returned to the pool.
  • OnDestroyPoolObject: Destroys the bullet if the pool size exceeds the maxSize.

The pool is initialized in the Awake method, and GetBullet and ReleaseBullet are used to retrieve and return bullets to the pool, respectively.

Firing Bullets with the Pool

create a script to fire bullets using the BulletPool

BulletManager script

In this script, the BulletManager checks if the player presses the fire button and if enough time has passed since the last shot. When firing, it gets a bullet from the BulletPool, sets its position and rotation, and lets it fly.

Add BulletPooland BulletManager in an Empty Gameobject and don’t forget make a prefab with bullet script added in that prefab.

Pooling result


Using Unity’s ObjectPool<T> API simplifies the implementation of object pooling, making it easier and more efficient to manage reusable objects in your game. This approach minimizes memory allocations and reduces the frequency of garbage collection, leading to better performance, especially in scenarios where objects are frequently created and destroyed.




Prasetio Nugroho
Prasetio Nugroho

Written by Prasetio Nugroho

Interested in new tech, gaming, programming and another knowledge or possibilites that can make me better. Cheers!!

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